Heritage of Timișoara

Greetings from Timișoara!

Over the course of the Heritage of Timisoara project, Timişoara based artists create beautiful illustrations of the historic neighbourhoods of the city. Send your loved ones a digital postcard and actively contribute to promoting Timișoara’s cultural heritage.

Lucian Popovici

Lucian Popovici

‘Stolperstein’ caught my eye because it is a work of art in itself, i.e. the project of German artist Gunter Demnig, who has been creating these ‘jems’ (tens of thousands up until now) in different countries.’



Is an artist who likes challenging all colours and instruments that can leave a mark on paper.

Her studies in Illustration, Graphic Design and Fashion Design, allowed her to improve her skills in the traditional form of expression, but her curiosity takes them into the digital realm as well.

Her obsession for details, colour and complexity can be observed in her various works from different fine arts fields that she experiments with, and sometimes, tries to combine (like Graphics, Comics, Costume Design, Character Art or Illustration). Though her works may vary from creatures to creations, they retain a distinct duality between naive and edgy.

Dan Ungureanu

Dan Ungureanu

‘After the guided tour through Fabric, I started to pay closer attention to the buildings in all the other areas of the city.’

Erik Erdőközi

Erik Erdőközi

‘I wanted to draw the attention on the buildings’ state of deterioration and, I hope, I managed to render this aspect in my illustrations.’

Livia Coloji

Livia Coloji

‘I’ve always liked and admired Ştefania House after its renovation, especially due to the green woodwork on the ground floor.’

Tina Malajmare

Tina Malajmare

‘I’ve always found Miksa Steiner House impressive, with its massive entrance gates, the feminine stone decorations, and the bowline coming out of the building’s gable.’

Ana Kun

Ana Kun

’Ana likes to doodle images and words whenever, whatever. Hard stuff: euphemisms, alliterations and allegories. It’s difficult on everyone.’

Ioana Iordan

Ioana Iordan

’As a graduate of an architecture faculty that has migrated to graphics and web design, Ioana tries to combine the passion for buildings with a digital illustration.’

Kape Illustration

Kape Illustration

’Kape Illustration consists of a couple of illustrators from Timisoara, Evelyne Krall and Andrei Puică. The works created by them are hand drawn, hand painted or digitally created.’

Răzvan Cornici

Răzvan Cornici

’Răzvan cuts everything he draws, like nobody’s business. He collects wax for the mustache and his dogs thinks he had no sense of humor.’

Amandine Leo-Bănescu

Amandine Leo-Bănescu

’I illustrate for myself, for the people I love and for the people who love my drawings. I like to keep what's crooked, the details that don't matter, the shadows and the lights.’

Andrei Puică

Andrei Puică

’I am happy to have the opportunity to illustrate, along with other beautiful people, some of the buildings in Timişoara for which I have developed an attachment in time, often passing by them and asking myself what their fate will be.’

Evelyne Krall

Evelyne Krall

’Fascinated by apartment plants, in love with felines, always keeping her head up to discover new details on the facades of the buildings passing by.’

Ovidiu Batista

Ovidiu Batista

Ovidiu Batista este absolvent al Facultății de Arte și Design, secția Grafică. Creația sa este caracterizată de interpretările expresioniste și suprarealiste ale societății. Proiectele sale sunt rezultatul unei fuziuni de elemente culturale juxtapuse într-un context satiric. În opera sa se remarcă intenția de a aborda și evidenția problematica tendinței mimetice, prin care indivizii societății contemporane își exprimă preocupările morale, etice și spirituale. Chestionând sub această formă identitatea valorică a memoriei și a intelectului. Prin urmare, subiectele ca identitatea societății contemporane, conflictul de identitate, actul de definire a identității și influența jocurilor politice sunt cu desăvârșire concepte-cheie ale creației sale. Lucrează în domeniile tehnicilor gravurii, graficii de șevalet, desen, fotografie, pictură murală și pictură de șevalet.

Adina Șufană

Adina Șufană

I am an illustrator, I have a MA degree in Advertising and Book Graphics - Timișoara Faculty of Arts, currently I am a PhD student in the third year at the School of Arts of the West University Timișoara.

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