Heritage of Timișoara

Cetate 45 Constantin Diaconovici Loga str.

Carmen Sylva National Pedagogical College

Completion date:


  • Architect: Arch. Lipót Baumhorn
  • Constructor: Arch. Karl Hart
  • Construction authorization: April 3, 1902
  • Property type: Private property
  • Protection type: Historical Monument
    Şcoala de fete, azi Liceul Carmen Sylva
    TM -II - m - B -06148
  • Main arch. style Art Nouveau/Secession
  • Other arch. styles Historicist/Eclectic
  • Current condition Good
  • Planimetry Polygonal
  • No. of levels 3
  • Current functions High School
    Middle School
    Elementary School

Lipót Baumhorn’s plans for the building of the State Girl High School’s palace were approved in 1902, resulting in an edifice raised on the ground where the former citadel’s walls lay, designed as a collaboration between Baumhorn and Timișoara’s Jakab Klein, with contributions from local architect Karl Hart, the building’s constructor. With Romanesque decoration mixed in typical Baumhorn fashion with Secession details, the building stands out through the play of its different textures, its exposed brick details creating tracery that is reminiscent of medieval architecture.

Authors of this file:

Research & text: Mihai Moldovan

Field research & mapping: Rus Gabriel, Vlad Pată (coordonator)

Translation into English: Dragoș Nuță

Photographer: Aleksandru Grigore

Last modified: 3 years ago

Published on: 22 November 2021

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