There is a quaint, fairytale-like house, tucked away on a cobbled street near Parcul Copiilor. Covered in heart ornaments, intricate woodwork, and playful balconies, Margit Villa, one of the creations of Timișoara’s chief architect, László Székely, draws the looks of all bystanders. The motif of the heart, a frequently used theme in Secession ornamentation, manifests itself here in wood, metalwork, and plaster, becoming the building's central theme, to be found in the most unusual places, from details around the window openings to the fretwork of the balconies or the wrought ironwork of the planters. The building also stands out through its exposed wood pediments done in an imitation of Fachwerk style, its fretwork fascia boards, and its metallic marquise, a rare element in Timișoara’s architectural landscape.