Although modest from an architectural point of view, this small house near Carmen Sylva Park only reveals its secrets after you cross its threshold. The house hosts Scârț Loc Lejer, one of the most appreciated bars in Timisoara, the independent theater Auăleu, and the Communist Consumer Museum can be visited in the basement.
In Evelyne Krall's illustration, the rooms come to life in much the same way as the characters from the theatre plays performed here, the stories told at the bar or the nostalgia-laden objects that make up the museum in the basement.
Authors of this file:
Research & text: Mihai-Claudiu Moldovan
Field research & mapping: Vlad Pată (coordonator), Simona Iovănescu (voluntar)
Translation into English: Cristina Chira
Photographer: Flavius Neamciuc
Last modified: 3 years ago
Published on: 12 October 2019
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