Today a bias point of a private company, the building used to host one of the most popular and appreciated establishments in the Fabric neighbourhood: 'La Ursul Negru' (Black Bear's) beerhouse (German - 'Schwarzer Bär', Hungarian - 'Fekete Medve').
Built in eclectic/historicist style, according to old images, the building existed at the end of the 19th century. During those times, it was the place of activity for the A. Dreher Beer Depot.
Authors of this file:
Research & text: Alexandra Palconi
Field research & mapping: arh. Anca-Raluca Majaru
Audited by: Mihai Opriș
Translation into English: Alexandra Dragoş
Photographer: Flavius Neamciuc
Last modified: 3 years ago
Published on: 26 October 2017
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