The building existed before 1890, but without the semicircular gable on roof level, which marks the corner of Anton Pann street and Traian Square.
Constructed in eclectic style, the facade of Duschitz House is decorated with classicist and neoromanic ornaments. Its name comes from László Duschnitz, a Jewish merchant who, at the beginning of the 20th century, had a trinkets and fashion items shop at the ground level. Later, the business was taken over and managed by Maximilian Duschnitz. Just like most historic buildings in Fabric, the Duschnitz House is in a state of decay.
Authors of this file:
Research & text: Alexandra Palconi
Field research & mapping: arh. Anca-Raluca Majaru
Audited by: Mihai Opriș
Translation into English: Alexandra Dragoş
Photographer: Flavius Neamciuc
Last modified: 3 years ago
Published on: 26 October 2017
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