Heritage of Timișoara

Elisabetin 4 General Henri Berthelot str.

Romulus Nicolin House

Alternative names:

The House with Peacocks

Completion date:

September 14, 1904

  • Architect: Arch. Martin Gemeinhardt
  • Former Owner: Romulus Nicolin
  • Construction authorization: February 9, 1904
  • Property type: Private property
  • Protection type: Historical Site
    Urban site "Vechiul cartier Iosefin"
  • Main arch. style Art Nouveau/Secession
  • Current condition Fair
  • Planimetry Rectangular Complex
  • No. of levels 2
  • Current functions Multiple property

Also known as “The House with Peacocks”, this building designed in the style of 1900s architecture is covered in decoration with vegetal and zoomorphic motifs. Among these, the tree of life stands out, marking the facade’s central axis of composition, flanked by zoomorphic ornaments such as peacocks, wolves and owls. The owner’s initials (NR) are visible in a monogram above the entrance to the building.

Built in 1904 by Romulus Nicolin (a well-known barber in Timișoara at the beginning of the 20th century) and modified in 1910, ”The House with Peacocks” holds a high emotional value for Heritage of Timișoara, as the bas-relief with peacocks has generated the logo of the project. The missing head of the beautiful peacock is a symbol for the state of decay of the city’s cultural heritage.

Authors of this file:

Research & text: Mihai-Claudiu Moldovan

Field research & mapping: Răzvan Iliescu, Vlad Pată (coordonator)

Translation into English: Cristina Chira

Photographer: Flavius Neamciuc

Last modified: 2 years ago

Published on: 12 October 2019

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