The Mercur House was constructed between 1908-1909, in Secession style, replacing a more modest house.
The silent partner, Adalbert (Béla) Fiatska, was the president of the ‘Hunnia’ Philatelic Association, established in 1906 with the purpose of easing philatelic exchange between collectors. The house bears its name thanks to the statue of Mercury/Hermes god (the god of merchants, travelers and thieves) which stands on the corner’s top.
In the interbelic times, here worked the ‘Mercur’ trading company (import-export, butchers, cereal shop, petrol, gasoline, etc.). For a few decades, both in the old building, and in the current one, the ground floor was the place where the butcher Alexandru Nenadovics conducted his business.
Authors of this file:
Research & text: Alexandra Palconi
Field research & mapping: arh. Anca-Raluca Majaru, arh. Cristina Chira
Audited by: Mihai Opriș
Translation into English: Alexandra Dragoş
Photographer: Flavius Neamciuc
Last modified: 3 years ago
Published on: 03 July 2018
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Written by ONDINE DIETZ (nascuta Bleier), 4 years ago
Un alt locatar chiar imediat dupa finalizare a fost strabunicul meu Mor (Mauriciu) Bleier cu firma sa de obiecte de menaj en gros si en detail. adaug unj bon din epoca cu reclama sa si adresa (ca dovada ) Mai am o fotografie din curtea interioara cu vitrinele cu marfa si familia sa , daca va intereseaza. Iar bonul se afla intr-o arhiva din Budapesta :
Written by ONDINE DIETZ (nascuta Bleier), 4 years ago
Va rog o adresa de email, ca sa va trimit linkul cu magazinul Bleier , din perioada infintarii cladirii,