Heritage of Timișoara

Iosefin 6 Nicolae Titulescu str.

Janovits Pál House

Completion date:

October 1901

  • Architect: Unknown
  • Former Owner: Pál Janovits
  • Construction authorization: May 1901
  • Property type: Private property
  • Protection type: Architectural Ensemble
    Urban ensemble "Str. Nicolae Titulescu"
  • Main arch. style Historicist/Eclectic
  • Current condition Fair
  • Planimetry Rectangular Complex
  • No. of levels 2
  • Current functions Apartment Tower

The apartment building located at the intersection of Anton Seiller Street (correct Anton Sailer a.n.) with Tudor Vladimirescu Riverside was built in 1901 and belonged to Janovits Pál. The building permit was issued in May 1901, and in October of the same year Janovits Pál received a permit to connect to the public sewer system. On the frontispiece of the apartment building can be observed the monogram with the initials of the owner JP and below the year 1901. The same JP monogram appears in the hardware of the only balcony of the building, located at the intersection between the two streets on the bank of Bega.

Janovits Pál was a carpenter, a family business inherited from his father Miklós. After the death of his father, starting with July 5, 1897, the joint-stock company Janovits Miklós and Son is taken over by the widow Katalin Janovits, and Pál becomes the legal representative.

Following the research carried out in archival documents and the press of the time, we discover that, in addition to carpentry, Janovits Pál had other activities too. In 1904, Timișoara City Hall approved the extension of the lease of a space for another 3 years, used by Pál in order to organize midwifery courses. In 1909, he applied for the rental of advertising space on the curtain of the City Theater, on behalf of the Hungarian newspaper Budapest Hírlap.

The Janovits family also owned a property in the Elisabetin neighborhood, at the current address Calea Șagului no. 1. The building has since disappeared, and blocks of flats have been erected in its place.

Authors of this file:

Research & text: Alexandra Palconi-Sitov

Field research & mapping: Alexandra Palconi-Sitov

Translation into English: Alexandra Palconi-Sitov

Photographer: Flavius Neamciuc

Last modified: 1 month ago

Published on: 02 January 2022

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